The Unforgettable Drive
Excited and thrilled of what we had at present. Forgetting of what is written in the future.
We drove and drove with no restrains with winds caressing our slenderest needs.
Hand in hand and content on our faces was all what we had then in our cases.
Life was merry then and there. Laughter and happiness everywhere.
We took a road away from the crowd to enjoy the boon of being around.
Long we drove with the sweeping winds to feel the freshness of everything.
Long we drove with the sweeping winds to feel the freshness of everything.
We saw the emptiness of the road and wondered why we came around.
Then a thought gushed my mind with a sudden beat of heart,
I asked myself with a smile, is this life all about?
Like the two sides of road we are two different mortals on Earth,
with varied thoughts and opinions dispersing like those moving winds.
We drove further far and saw the redness of the hills.
Like the heat in the blood it came running within our hearts.
We stopped then and there to marvel the loveliness of the hills.
The hills were gratifying and deep, playing a cupid to the lovely birds.
Alone it left them with conflicting emotions,
making a fusion of passionate love, violence and war within.
Then the lady beloved thought again
Oh! Is this love all about?
Lust is not only the meaning of love. Love is far more divine.
It makes you pure, it makes you true, it makes you feel so pristine.
It takes you on a heavenly abode, it makes you feel so light and cool.
It takes you on an endless journey of life in a happy and cheerful mood.
Then the winds start propelling again, spreading their goodness everywhere.
Enriching the two endearing souls draw closer to each other for ever and ever again.
I like the way it takes a turn and comes back to the initial feeling :)
Keep writing!
Captures the emotions in an apt way I like the way it reflects life in how at times best of conditions may spark a low feeling and how the lowest of low feelings may spark a new high :)